Nothing Left to Write!

This is probably about the end of this ol’ blog, y’all. I think I have written (and repeated several times) just about every little thing about Linux that I know and/or care about. I’m not “distro-hopping” anymore and haven’t done so quite a while. I’m pretty much settled and happy with my super-simple and rock-stable Debian derivative called MX-Linux (which still supports 32-bit!) and I have no plans to change anything but the wallpapers once in a while. I chose different default apps and changed a few settings to my liking, but even “out of the box” MX-Linux has been awesome and trouble-free.

I’ll compile a list of favorite things from across several distros, like systemd-free SalixOS’ cool tools and Slackware heritage; the wonderful way Linux Lite OS renames applications according to function instead of using the funny Linuxy names that don’t make any sense to a typical user (much less a newbie), the sheer artistry of ElementaryOS, the rare lack of bloatware in Linux Mint, etc. I’ll salute my favorite desktop environment and explain why I love it so much (and why a “full DE” isn’t really necessary at all if you have limited HDD space). I’ll opine about “politics” in Linux, pay homage to great distros from the past and present, and then, probably, sign off. Everything I just listed is already here on the blog! So my summary will simply link to “Robin’s Greatest Hits,” so to speak, from the life of the blog.

My entire focus is on the ministry now, and on grandchildren, Living History, and preparing for the global chaos that is almost certain to come in the very near future, from the geniuses that can’t say what a woman is, fact checked by people who think men can get pregnant. As long as political power rests in the hands of these mad idiots, chaos is certain to follow.

No time for Linux stuff anymore, really, with real life becoming so busy and yet still too wonderful to miss a minute of it tinkering with my OS.

4 thoughts on “Nothing Left to Write!

  1. it’s been a great ride Robin. Loved every word.

    your last paragraph summed it all up.

    Best wishes and stay safe.

    jim acklaw….


  2. I’ve been using MX Linux KDE for a good while. Came to it from PCLinuxOS. Recently, there appeared a Debian version of PCLinuxOS and I have it on a usb stick and so far it is a thing of beauty.Needing more cpu cooling, I got a cheap liquid cooler from Amazon for about $54 and it is amazing. I’m very happy with it.I have trouble learning the more complicated apps. I wish I was smarter but I get by.I guess that’s it for now.  -bg



  3. Robin, I will miss reading your posts, but understand how blogs – like everything in this life – come to an end at some point.

    God’s grace be with you now and always.



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