Systemback on Linux Mint

I used to use Systemback when the original was still fully supported. No longer supported or being developed, it got replaced by Timeshift (which is being maintained by the Linux Mint team now).

But Timeshift, awesome though it is as a “snapshot” tool, lacks one feature that was always present in Systemback: The ability to copy your existing OS (including user files if you like) to a bootable Live USB stick! MX-Linux has a separate app just for that, which is awesome, but Linux Mint and other Ubuntu derivatives lack that special feature.

The good news is that systemback has been forked and is currently being maintained again! The latest version is available here!

It creates restore points like Timeshift does, but it also does “Live System Create!” You can make it an iso and write it to a pen drive for use on multiple computers, to share your custom-mixed favorite settings on Ubuntu (Xubu, Kubu, Lubu, etc), Linux Mint, ElementaryOS, Linux Lite, or any Ubuntu-based distro.

Download and extract the .zip file, extract it, and use Gdebi to install the resulting .deb files. One or two may lack dependencies, but on Linux Mint at least, gdebi offers to install them from repositories. No snapd, no flatpak.


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